Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Frozen Fun

Dr. Browder, a physics professor at JU, and grandfather to Sara, joined us on Friday to provide us with some frozen fun! He brought liquid nitrogen and the fun began. We were able to watch as he dipped a balloon and a glove in the liquid nitrogen...and even his tie!

After watching the demonstration we were able to dip big marshmallows in chocolate and then in the liquid nitrogen to freeze it. It was a yummy treat! At the end of his visit he made "clouds." This was by far the funniest moment ever...to watch all of the kids disappear into the clouds.

Thank you Dr. Browder!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Rock On

Rocks are the focus in Science now! We brought in our own pet rocks and completed a number of activities. The students were asked to measure, find the mass and do a scratch test. They were also asked if their rock would sink or float in water.

Mrs. Lundquist had a rock that would float...Pumice!

The students had a great time discovering their pet rocks.

We will be focusing on how rocks are formed after the new year. We also will be studying weathering and erosion (there is a distinct difference between the two).

I was amazed at how interested the students were in rocks!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Water Cycle Part 2

We have spent a week exploring the water cycle. The vocabulary has become real for the students. They have observed water evaporating...Well, not really since water vapor is a gas and cannot be seen. They have even observed condensation. We have explored at least 3 different models of the Water Cycle.

A Water Cycle Test is scheduled for Tuesday, December 9th!

Topics: Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, water cycle and water vapor. Make sure you can explain what conditions cause evaporation and condensation.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Water Cycle

We are diving into the water cycle. Students should be observing their mini one at home and recording results in their Science Journals.

The final observations are due on Friday!

Today, we made a big model of the water cycle. Your scientist should be using the vocabulary: water vapor, evaporation, condensation and precipitation.

Our model was made of a hot plate, pot, water, cookie sheet and ice. Once the water was boiling in our pot and turning into water vapor, we placed a cookie sheet of ice over the vapor. Then condensation began forming under the cookie sheet. Eventually it began to fall as "precipitation."